Listen to our podcast for a further discussion about probiotics with Dr. Horwitz:


In recent years, the question 'Are probiotics good for you?' has captivated the attention of health enthusiasts and medical professionals alike. The surge in interest is evident as the consumption of probiotics by adults quadrupled, transforming them into a commonly used dietary supplement. 

Behind this growing intrigue lies the potential of probiotics to enhance gut health, improve digestion, and even contribute to overall longevity. At HealthspanMD™, led by the expertise of R. Todd Hurst, MD, we know how important it is to stay at the forefront of medical research and public interest, including in dietary supplements.

As the conversation around probiotics continues to evolve, we invite you to schedule a consultation with HealthspanMD Cardiology or primary care. Our team is dedicated to personalizing your health plan, ensuring it aligns with your unique health goals. Together, we can explore how probiotics can be integrated into your wellness routine.


We're excited to dive into the latest research and chat about the awesome benefits of probiotics. We're all about giving you the info you need to chat confidently with your health care providers and make smart choices for your health.

What Are Probiotics? What You Need to Know

Probiotics are live microorganisms, often referred to as 'good' or 'helpful' bacteria, that provide health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. Fundamentally, these probiotic bacteria help digest food, playing a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. 

This is not just limited to aiding digestion but extends to influencing the body's immune responses and potentially reducing inflammation. The gut microbiome, which is the collective genome of all the microorganisms living in our intestines, includes both probiotics and prebiotics—the latter being fibers that feed probiotic bacteria. This intricate relationship ensures that our body can maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms, distinguishing between harmful germs and beneficial ones.

Probiotics have a big impact on our gut health, helping to get the balance of bacteria back on track. This balance can be thrown off by things like antibiotics, bad eating habits, or getting sick. Eating fermented foods loaded with probiotics, like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir, can boost the variety and health of these microorganisms. This can lead to a lower chance of getting conditions like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and some allergies.

The Research Behind Probiotics: Do They Work?

Recent studies summarized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2023 offer intriguing insights into the role of probiotics in disease prevention. These studies highlight the potential benefits of probiotics in supporting the immune system, enhancing the body's ability to destroy disease-causing cells, and providing a barrier against infections. Notably, probiotics have been linked to a decreased risk of certain gastrointestinal disorders, such as ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as a reduction in the duration of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

That said, it's important to separate the truth from fiction circulating around probiotics. Despite their benefits, probiotics are not a cure-all solution. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned health providers and consumers about the risk of side effects in individuals with compromised immune systems. This emphasizes the importance of consulting a health care provider before starting any probiotic regimen, as not everyone may benefit from them in the same way.

Probiotics are regulated as dietary supplements in the United States, which means they don't undergo the rigorous testing that medications do for efficacy and safety. This means that the quality and quantity of probiotic strains in products can vary significantly, impacting their effectiveness.

Overall, while probiotics offer promising benefits for disease prevention and overall gut health, it's important to understand their limitations and potential risks. If you're interested in buying and using probiotics, seek advice from medical professionals and approach them with informed caution, keeping in mind that they're part of a larger wellness plan rather than a standalone solution.

Probiotics and Your Healthspan

When taken with care and a healthy dose of logic, probiotics may help somewhat in achieving the goals outlined in our approach at HealthspanMD™. Known as the Healthspan 10™, these goals aim to improve your quality of life and longevity through preventative, complementary, and integrative health strategies. 

Probiotics could contribute to achieving some of the objectives outlined in the Healthspan 10™ approach:

  • Optimize Nutrition: Probiotics play a crucial role in the digestive tract, aiding in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. This supports clinical nutrition by ensuring that the body can utilize the vitamins and minerals from food more efficiently.
  • Enhance Gut Health: A healthy community of microorganisms is essential for gut health. Probiotics contribute to this by maintaining or restoring the balance of good bacteria, which is vital for a well-functioning digestive system and can prevent issues like irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Boost Immune Function: The gut microbiome has a significant influence on the immune system. A balanced microbiome, supported by probiotics, may enhance the body's defenses against infections and chronic diseases.
  • Prevent Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is linked to many diseases of aging. By promoting a balanced gut microbiome, probiotics may help reduce systemic inflammation and support the body's inflammatory response, aligning with the goals of reducing disease risk.
  • Encourage Exercise: Studies performed on athletes suggest that while probiotics have little effect on strength training, they can improve aerobic endurance and reduce fatigue, making it easier to exercise for longer durations. 
  • Support Mental Health: Emerging research in the field of psychobiotics suggests that a healthy gut microbiome, cultivated through the use of probiotics, may have benefits for mental health. This is particularly relevant to the goal of managing stress, as the gut-brain axis plays a key role in emotional and psychological well-being.
  • Improve Sleep: Along with improving mood, some studies have shown that probiotics can help you achieve healthier, more restful sleep.

However, as emphasized by Dr. Hurst, not all probiotics are created equal, and their benefits can be highly individualized. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if probiotics are a suitable addition to your health plan.

Should You Take Probiotics?

Probiotic supplementation can offer substantial health benefits when consumed under the right conditions. People who might benefit most from these dietary supplements include those with:

  • Digestive Disorders: People suffering from conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and chronic diarrhea may find relief in probiotic supplementation as it helps balance the gut microbiome
  • Recent Antibiotic Use: Antibiotics can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the gut. Probiotic supplements can help restore this balance, potentially reducing the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
  • Compromised Immune Systems: While caution is advised, certain probiotics may boost the immune response in people with weakened immune systems when taken under professional guidance.
  • High Stress Levels or Poor Diet: People experiencing high levels of stress or those with a diet lacking in nutrients may benefit from probiotics to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.

It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any probiotic regimen. A Healthspan Care Coordinator can offer personalized advice based on your medical history, current health status, and specific needs. They can also recommend high-quality probiotic strains most likely to provide benefits for your unique situation. 

Remember, while probiotics offer promise for enhancing health and well-being, they should be part of a comprehensive approach to health that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and preventative care.

Choosing the Right Probiotic

Selecting the right probiotic supplement involves careful consideration of several key factors to ensure you are choosing a high-quality product that aligns with your specific health needs. Here are essential tips to guide you in making an informed choice:

Research Strains

Different probiotic strains offer distinct health benefits. It's crucial to match the strain with your health goal, whether it's improving gut health, boosting the immune system, or enhancing nutrient absorption.

Verify CFU Count

The colony-forming units (CFU) indicate the number of live and active microorganisms in a probiotic. Look for a product with a CFU count appropriate for your needs, typically in the billions for adults.

Check for Viability

Ensure the probiotic supplement guarantees viability through the end of shelf life, not just at the time of manufacture. This ensures the bacteria are alive and capable of providing health benefits when you consume them.

Opt for Quality Brands 

Choose supplements from reputable manufacturers that invest in clinical research and utilize high-quality control standards. Verified labels such as 'USP Verified' can indicate that the product meets stringent quality criteria.

Examine Additives

Avoid probiotics with unnecessary fillers or additives, which might diminish the quality of the product. Look for supplements with minimal and safe ingredients.

Follow an Intentional Approach

At HealthspanMD, we encourage patients to take a more intentional approach to probiotic supplementation. This includes identifying specific health concerns or goals and choosing a probiotic strain that has been studied for its benefits in those areas. Check out our previous blog to learn more about this approach.

Personalization is crucial when selecting probiotics. The optimal choice can vary significantly from one individual to another, emphasizing the importance of tailoring probiotic selection to your unique health profile. 

Your Healthspan Coach plays a pivotal role in this process by providing personalized nutrition advice that complements your probiotic regimen. They can guide you toward selecting strains that align with your dietary needs, lifestyle, and specific health objectives, ensuring a holistic approach to wellness. 

Visit HealthspanMD Cardiology Today

At HealthspanMD™ Cardiology, our commitment to your total well-being drives us to offer personalized advice that considers your unique health profile and goals. Dr. Hurst and our team of Healthspan coaches are equipped to guide you through the complexities of choosing the right probiotic supplements, ensuring they complement your overall health strategy.

Book an appointment with HealthspanMD™ today to learn more about how we can help you optimize your wellness. Together, we can tailor a health strategy that addresses your individual needs, fostering a long, vibrant, healthy life.